Homestaging is an essential part of any professional property presentation. From suitable lighting to decorative accessories, everything must be in perfect harmony so that the resulting composition has the strongest possible effect. Capturing the overall atmosphere of the property, coziness and clean appearance are the priorities that will move your advertisement one step higher. Your property will be in everyone's sight, attract more people, speed up the entire sale, but also increase the price of your property. The first impression is crucial, not only in personal contact, but also in housing.
The current real estate market is strongly competitive, so logically the bar of presentation of real estate at sale is set high - arranging real estate before the sale itself becomes a necessity. Nothing will increase the price of your property more than the perception of potential buyers that there is a high demand for an apartment or house. That is why it is good to address our professionals who, in addition to quality preparation of the property for photography, will also provide the rest.
The correct timing of the publication of the offer on advertising servers and social networks is not less important, as well as professional negotiations with the potential buyer. Arranging real estate before sale is a matter of course for our real estate agents.
We work as a team at Ambienten VIP s.r.o. We do homestaging before each photo shoot of the offered property and we will discuss your options in a personal meeting with you, we will explain everything in detail. You don't have to worry about anything before homestaging, our team will bring their own decorations, such as flowers, a bedspread or fruit. We will adjust each room so that it is ready for a photo shoot. Once we take the desired pictures, we will return everything to its place.
If you have a property that you cannot sell for the required price for a long time, it is good to try homestaging again in time and try to advertise with our company again and in a new dimension. Demand will certainly increase and you will be able to sell at the desired price instead of reducing it in existing advertising.
If you want to see Homestaging in practice, we will be happy to show you photos of real estate after our renovation or stop for a coffee in our new stylish office at Mezírka 775/1, Brno - Veveří.
We will be happy to help with the homestaging of your property!
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Spisová značka v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně zapsané v oddílu C, vložka 75329