Mortgages and building savings are offered on our market by many banks or institutions. There are differences between the offers of individual institutions and the client often tries to choose the best option on his own at the expense of his own time.
Our company in cooperation with financial advisors will help you to find the best way. We will prepare offers from several banks and together with you we will choose the best financing option for you.
The client needs to be sure of the prepared financing in order to be able to respond immediately to a favorable special offer on the market. The client will receive financial advice and the selection of the most suitable method of financing from us free of charge.
Call us if you want to save not only your time but also money, and if you are looking for a maximum comfort and pleasant business environment.
We are here for you at any time. Our consultants will be happy to arrange a meeting with you, either at the headquarters of our company or they will visit you in the comfort of your home. All based on your wishes and prior agreement.
The company Ambienten VIP s.r.o. as part of its real estate activities among other things focuses on the preparation and sale of developer projects. In our portfolio you will find prestigious buildings, in the sale of which we participate, or we have participated in the recent past. Our reference sales and leases, which the company has implemented in recent years, speak for us.
We work very closely with leading Czech and foreign development companies from the very beginning of the project, we help with the selection of the location in which the project will be created, we consult the specific design proposal of architects. Our experience in the field of development projects is invaluable for solving the layout of both residential units and luxury houses themselves.
The dominant feature of our activity then lies in finding a buyer, preparing all the necessary details and ensuring our own sales. Our real estate activities are intended for both developers and buyers of new buildings.
Preparation of the project for sale
Execution of:
Project marketing
Preparation of a marketing plan for a specific project, selection of a suitable project presentation, advertising on the company's website www.ambienten.cz and at the same time on the most famous real estate servers. Advertising in the press is a matter of course, especially in the magazines Real City, Reality Morava and others. We will ensure the preparation of presentation materials for each individual project, which will be provided to clients (preparation of visualizations and virtual tours, architectural interior designs), presentation of the project to potential buyers - tour of apartments or non-residential premises through our real estate specialists, open doors at presented dates and meetings with clients in a model apartment.
We recommend you to arrange a personal meeting with our real estate specialists.
Dear clients,
on behalf of AMBIENTEN VIP s.r.o. I would like to present you our renowned real estate agency with many years of experience on the Brno real estate market. We would like to meet you in person and introduce you our company and the wide range of professional services we offer and guarantee to our clients. We specialize in the sale/rental of houses, villas, apartments, commercial properties, investment properties, hotels, restaurants and more.
We have the largest database of clients that are looking for luxury and investment real estate.
We currently register over 10,000 clients who are actively inquiring properties through our company according to their requirements. We also cooperate with foreign investors which are looking for specific investments in land for construction and looking for apartment buildings or commercial areas. We are a stable broker team speaking several world languages and we will prepare contracts for our clients in the language that will be needed for the successful conclusion of a business case. We rely on discretion when negotiating with clients and guarantee a smooth and successful sale and rental of your property.
Do you sell or buy real estate? Are you looking for a professional approach with an original way of presenting real estate, individual and discreet negotiations?
The company AMBIENTEN VIP s.r.o offers an unrivalled way of selling your property within our VIP services. We have a wide range of clients looking for luxury real estate in the Czech Republic. We can professionally arrange property tours in several languages, in English, German and Russian, as well as a complete real estate service, within which the client does not have to worry about anything.
Our company guarantees you
We are looking forward to work with you
Číslo účtu 123 - 6332940207 / 0100
Spisová značka v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně zapsané v oddílu C, vložka 75329